Great Hungarian Plain

The Great Hungarian Plain (also known as Alföld or Great Alföld, Hungarian: Alföld, Nagy Alföld)[1][2] is a plain occupying the southern and eastern part of Hungary, some parts of the Eastern Slovak Lowland(Východoslovenská nížina), southwestern Ukraine, the Transcarpathian Lowland (Zakarpats'ka nyzovyna), western Romania (various names), northern Serbia (various names), and eastern Croatia (various names). It is the largest part of the Pannonian Plain.

In Hungarian, the plain is known as Alföld [ˈɒlføld], in Slovak as Veľká dunajská kotlina, in Romanian as Câmpia Tisei or Câmpia de Vest, in Croatian as Panonska nizina, in Serbian as Panonska nizija, and in Ukrainian as Тисо-Дунайська низовина.



Its boundaries are the Carpathians in the north and east, the Transdanubian Mountains and Croatian mountains in the southwest, and approximately the Sava river in the south.


Plain in Hungary

Its territory is 52,000 km² within Hungary so it comprises approximately 56% of the country. Its total territory is 100,000 km². The highest point of the plain is Hoportyó (183 m), and the lowest point is the Tisza River. The terrain ranges from flat to rolling plains.

The most important Hungarian writers inspired by and associated with the plain are Ferenc Móra and Zsigmond Móricz, as well as the poets Sándor Petőfi and Gyula Juhász.

Among the Hungarian scientists born in the plain are Zoltán Bay physicist, János Irinyi chemist, inventor of the noiseless match; János Kabay pharmacologist, Gábor Kátai physician and pharmacist; and Frigyes Korányi physician and pulmonologist.

The most important river of the plain is Tisza.

The notable cities and towns with medicinal baths are Berekfürdő, Cserkeszőlő, Gyula, Hajdúszoboszló, Szentes and Szolnok.

Among the cultural festivals and programmes characteristic of the region are the Csángófesztivál (Csángó Festival) in Jászberény, the Cseresznyefesztivál (Sweet Cherry Festival) in Nagykörű, the Gulyásfesztivál (Goulash Festival) in Szolnok, the Hídi Vásár (Bridge Fair) in Hortobágy, the Hunniális at Ópusztaszer, the Szabadtéri Játékok (Open-air Games) in Szeged, the Várjátékok (Castle Games) in Gyula, the Virágkarnevál (Flower Carnival) in Debrecen and the Bajai Halászléfőző Népünnepély (Fisherman's Soup Boiling Festival) in Baja.

The part of the plain located in Hungary comprises the following areas:

Plain in Serbia

In Serbia, the plain is mostly divided into 3 large geographical areas known as the Bačka, Banat and Syrmia, most of which are located in the Vojvodina province.

Plain in Croatia

Plain in Slovakia

Part of the plain located in Slovakia is known as Eastern Slovak Lowland.

Plain in Ukraine

Part of the plain located in Ukraine is known as Transcarpathian Lowland.

Plain in Romania

In Romania, the plain (Rom. câmp or câmpia, from Lat. campus) includes various regions like Banat and Crişana. Here, its name is Câmpia de Vest (The Western Plain).

See also


  1. ^ Gábor Gercsák (2002). "Hungarian geographical names in English language publications" (in English). Studia Cartologica. Eötvös Loránd University. Retrieved 30 April 2011. 
  2. ^ Gábor Gercsák (2005). "Magyar tájnevek angol fordítása" (in Hungarian). Fasciculi Linguistici / Series Lexicographica. Eötvös Loránd University. Retrieved 30 April 2011. 

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